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Helpful Equipment that you will keep Using

Here is a list of items I did actually use and like. You don't need any of them and I'm sure there are suitable replacements.

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Food Steamer/ Blender 

The one piece of equipment that was used daily, was the Beaba steamer blender. It’s like $300, but I did use it everyday several times a day. I didn’t like it at first and it broke two times. After a few uses, I did get the hang of it and grew to love it. I emailed Beaba support both times it malfunctioned and it was under warranty so they sent a replacement immediately every time.

Best for fresh meals. It takes 10 – 15 minutes to steam and then you blend. It is really made to eat food.


Full Sleve Bibs

Saw a friend use these and they saved me a ton of clean up and laundry. My son is three now and I still use them when he is eating Acai or something very messy.

This brand purchased on Amazon is the one he still uses today and comes in strawberry or pineapple.


High Chair

If you want to buy things you’ll use for a while. This is the high chair for you. My son loves it, my nephew is 8 and still uses it. It the Stokke Trip Trapp. It’s very easy to assembly, you can go from baby to toddler and very easy to clean. Additionally, it makes them feel a part of the dinner table. It’s awesome. 



We gifted these Danish pieces. Our friends still use them. After our nanny kept bringing our silverware to the park and losing it, we now use IKEA silverware and love it. 

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