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Menu – Week 1 – Solid Food Introduction

Starting to introduce your baby to solids. This week focuses on the basics and foundation.

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Some babies start as early as five months, it’s your call. 

Based on French food introduction, start with green foods, then orange/ yellow and fruits are last. If your child doesn’t like the food it’s ok. Most important for them to try and get their palate diversified. The thought is that the more exposure the more likely they will learn to appreciate the flavor. For your reference:

Supplements: Optional for parents to start with DHA supplements. The best brand we could find here. The New England Journal of Medicine study here


Cheerios, rice wafers, sweets, goldfish, teething wafers. Stick to vegetables. Do not give your baby fruit packets, they will want nothing else. 

This should be the only food your child eats as if there are sensitivities or allergens, one new food is added and you can isolate any issues. 




Steam and puree broccoli florets in Beaba 



Steam and puree only the asparagus heads in Beaba 


Leeks and potatoes 

Just add portion of 1 stalk and white part of leek, 1/4 onion and 1 potato to Beaba -> steam and blend


Steamed broccoli florets add avocado to puree


Steam asparagus heads add avocado to puree


Leeks and potato with avocado


Whatever you have left over

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